
Caliber Group has launched to help businesses stay abreast of the latest consumer behaviors, opinions and marketing trends to survive and thrive. Our agency excels at building brands and relationships. We’re well versed in the use of both traditional and social media to educate, influence or persuade audiences. To deliver an effective message, we know you have to understand your clients/customers: what they want and what they need.

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You are viewing our posts from mobile use.

Mobile Websites: A Must

With smartphone usage growing exponentially, it is important to consider developing a mobile site to make accessing your website information easier for smartphone owners. Most often, those who visit a website from a mobile device know exactly what they’re looking for, which gives you the opportunity to simplify your website featuring its most relevant "on the go" (or quick reference) content. Mobile visitors will appreciate the simplicity and ease of navigation of a mobile site.

July 7, 2011