Struggling With Recruitment? Here Are 5 Marketing Trends That Get Results in 2024

To say recruiting is tougher than in past years is a dramatic understatement. According to the U.S. Chamber, there are 9.5 million job openings in the U.S. in Q1 2024 and only 6.5 million unemployed workers. If every one of those unemployed workers took a job, there would still be three million openings going unfilled.

Top recruiters are changing the way they approach the marketplace and how they position their company and openings. Here are five specific recruitment strategies we see getting results even in this demanding environment for recruitment.

Brand Building

Your brand can be a powerful marketing tool or a severe limitation.  More than eight out of 10 jobseekers will do deep dives into the company’s reputation before applying, including online reviews and ratings. About half say they wouldn’t work for a company with a poor reputation even for a better job or pay increase.

A market study by LinkedIn shows the bottom-line impact of brand on recruiting. Companies with a strong brand presence see:

  • 50% cost-per-hire reduction
  • 50% more qualified applicants
  • 1-2X faster hiring cycles
  • 28% reduction in turnover

Market What Matters

Adapting your marketing approach to capture the attributes different generations want in a job can make a big difference. For example: Gen X and Millennials are now the dominant workforce, but Gen Z is forecast to bypass Baby Boomers at work within the next year.

Gen Z candidates are prioritizing mental health, career growth, and work flexibility even more than past generations. Recruiters who tailor the marketing to feature these attributes will see greater success in attracting candidates.

Smart recruiters today are talking more about career planning and opportunities than job duties.

Upskilling and Career Pathways

While the labor market demand is normalizing compared to the big swings over the past few years, finding qualified workers with the right skill set will continue to be a challenge. Providing opportunities for current employees to broaden their skills can help fill positions and aid in employee retention. At the same time, showing career growth internally in key roles can help attract the next wave of recruits who seek upward mobility.

As AI and other tech are disrupting workforces, training team members on new skills and upgrading onboarding will be crucial. Formal training programs are also attractive to job seekers, who worry about emerging skills they may lack.

Some companies have started internal education programs to provide the skills that aren’t available in the workplace with great success in recruiting by marketing these programs as part of career pathing.

Job Flexibility

Employers that demand employees be in the office every day will hate this statistic: 98% of employees want to work remotely at least some of the time. For those willing to offer job flexibility, this becomes a significant advantage.

Marketing job flexibility in location or hours is attracting more, and better candidates. Many top prospects will consider switching jobs just to get greater flexibility.


Generic job ads and outreach are falling flat these days. Avoid using templates and generic messaging, especially when looking for niche and in-demand talent. You can segment candidates based on common experiences, location, or skills and craft outreach accordingly.

When dealing with individual candidates, you can cut through the clutter by referring to them by name and showing knowledge of their skills. Top candidates today get bombarded by recruiters. When you personalize a message — even a little — it demonstrates interest and shows you value their time.

Shifting Your Recruitment Marketing Approach

While there are plenty of job seekers in the market today, there are few highly qualified candidates. Recruiters must shift their approach to attract the best of the best and build talent pools for future hires. How you position your company, your job opportunities and your workplace in marketing can be a game-changer.

The Caliber Group is a brand marketing, public relations, and digital firm dedicated to helping you grow your business. Contact The Caliber Group today and let’s upgrade your recruitment marketing approach.

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