
Caliber Group has launched to help businesses stay abreast of the latest consumer behaviors, opinions and marketing trends to survive and thrive. Our agency excels at building brands and relationships. We’re well versed in the use of both traditional and social media to educate, influence or persuade audiences. To deliver an effective message, we know you have to understand your clients/customers: what they want and what they need.

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Mobile Websites: A Must

With smartphone usage growing exponentially, it is important to consider developing a mobile site to make accessing your website information easier for smartphone owners. Most often, those who visit a website from a mobile device know exactly what they’re looking for, which gives you the opportunity to simplify your website featuring its most relevant "on the go" (or quick reference) content. Mobile visitors will appreciate the simplicity and ease of navigation of a mobile site.

Convince the Skeptics with 20 Unbelievable Social Media Stats

Have you ever discussed social media with a friend or potential customer and received a skeptical response? Many of us have. Perhaps you are the doubtful one. However you feel (or don’t feel) about social media, there is no arguing that our society has officially plunged into it head first. Social networking sites have become primary online marketing tools, communication outlets, and customer service vehicles. Instead of talking about the influence that social media can have, allow the numbers to speak for themselves. If you have ever doubted the power of social media, here are twenty unbelievable statistics that may make you rethink these qualms, and convince you to get more involved in one of the most influential resources of this generation.

Getting the Most From Survey Results

Surveying existing and potential customers is an excellent way to learn their needs and priorities. The information received can then be used in the development of your business and marketing plan. The questions you ask, and the way you ask them, are very important in capturing information that is actionable and can then be used to increase sales and profits. In order to get the best actionable results from a survey, thorough planning is required. Before a survey is conducted, consider the following questions:

5 Tips on How to Define and Reach Your Target Customer

Zeroing in on your target customer is essential to the success of a marketing campaign. However, reaching potential customers for your business, product or service can be a difficult task. First, consider the 80/20 rule: It’s likely that 80 percent of your most profitable business comes from 20 percent of your core customers. Ideally, you want to identify who those 20 percent are so you can target your marketing and advertising to potential customers who are similar to them. The key is to identify who these core customers are and then determine where they are. Ask yourself, “Who is my ideal client?” Are they a man, woman or child? How old are they? Relationship status? What does their lifestyle look like? Likes? Dislikes? Hobbies? Education? Job? Income? Remember, “everyone” is not your target customer. Decide who your best customer really is and then identify the best way to target them with your message. Consult these tips to learn how to define and find your ideal customer.

Take Control of Your Message: Be Your Own Publisher

They say “repetition is the mother of education.” In the pursuit of educating an audience and creating brand awareness and loyalty, your story must be told. Due to declining media outlets and staff, the best way to get your story told--the way you want to tell it, on a regular basis--is to tell it yourself. Become your own publisher via newsletters, blogs and social media platforms to relay a brand message, voice, personality and customer focus to loyal and potential clients on a regular basis.

Using Social Media to Make a Difference

Social media has become a critical tool for companies to share news, product information, and promotions with their followers. While these are important elements of building a brand and executing marketing campaigns, social media is also a powerful tool for providing real-time, continued customer service.

7 Top Digital Trends to Watch

Consumers are increasingly using mobile devices to access the internet for deals, product information and social media engagement. Mobile can be defined as any device that can be taken with you–smart phones, tablets and laptops. By 2015 more people will connect online by mobile devices than desktop PCs. Marketing campaigns and tactics targeted to these devices such as texting campaigns, QR codes, apps and mobile internet sites are quickly becoming required tools for businesses. The mobile advertising industry is expected to be worth more than $1.56 billion by 2013.

Managing Brand Reputations in an Era of Friends, Fans and Followers

A growing percentage of your customers have become online journalists, reporting their experiences using your brands in their social networks. Are you listening to what they are saying and responding to their suggestions? Social media can provide valuable insights about your customers and their brand preferences. To learn more, check out this article published in Inside Tucson Business by Caliber’s CEO…

Social Media Marketers, Keep it Legal

DISCLAIMER: This blog is written as a guideline to highlight legal issues when integrating social media into a business. We are not attorneys nor has this been reviewed by an attorney; this should not be considered legal advice. More businesses are using social media as a marketing and public relations tool to communicate with loyal and prospective customers. As with any business communication tool, there are guidelines that should be followed when using social media, and legal ramifications are possible if certain rules are not observed. To stay out of legal trouble while communicating via social media, here are seven issues to keep in mind:

When It’s Time to Rebrand

During the life cycle of a company, it may be necessary to rebrand or reposition the company one or more times to thrive in a changing marketplace. The most common reasons to rebrand a company include: -Changing market demand -Need to differentiate from the competition -New product/service offerings -Company mergers, acquisitions or reorganizations -Bad reputations (real or perceived) -Unplanned, negative situations (e.g. bankruptcy, losses) -Poor financial performance requiring a new business strategy (Bullets and margins below look weird and do not line up.) The rebranding process allows companies to re-evaluate their core offerings, target audiences, message strategies and service delivery options. Examples of companies that have rebranded include Phillip Morris, which changed its name to Altria in 2003, to shed its negative image associated with tobacco products that could have affected other Philip Morris brands such as Kraft Foods. General Motors, after filing for bankruptcy in 2009, rebranded by selling off or discontinuing some of its brands, including Saab and Hummer, to focus on fewer, stronger brands.

5 Steps to Confident Public Speaking

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” – John Wooden Seven out of ten people surveyed said they would rather die than speak in public, according to Eileen Shenker. Shenker has been a professional public speaker for thirty years. She has developed several workshops to coach and train sales/customer service professionals to build rapport and relationships to increase sales. At a recent workshop in Tucson, Shenker shared tips for overcoming the fear and discomfort that often accompanies speaking in public. She shared advice for speaking to large groups, incorporating naturalness and humor, overcoming nerves, and more. Here are the top takeaways from Shenker’s enlightening performance.

7 Suggestions for Digital Timing

Clients and seminar attendees frequently ask us when the best time to send email and post social media content is. The answer often depends on the business and the target market, but data have been released that reveal timing patterns of email and social media engagement. We recently participated in a HubSpot webinar discussing this very topic. Here are seven valuable suggestions.