The Newspaper Business Continues to Evolve as Digital Media Grows

In two very different newsrooms in two very different cities, digital media is stepping in to help “old media” compete in the new world of news content and delivery.

Recently, in an effort to stay afloat while facing reduced advertising earnings and fewer subscriptions, the Chicago Sun-Times cut its entire photography staff. The paper will now rely on freelance photographers or reporters who have been trained to shoot their own images and videos with smartphones.

This week the Arizona Daily Star joined many newspapers across the nation, as it announced the elimination of its website comment section in favor of a new commenting system via Facebook. The reason for this change appears to be two-fold. First, it limits complete anonymity by posters, which should lead to a more civil discussion of the news. Secondly, by mandating that commenters login via Facebook, the Star streamlines the process of having its stories shared on social media.

At Caliber we believe these are interesting developments that all industries and organizations should take note of and here’s why:

  • No longer are we living in the days where the only photos used in newspapers come from the professionals. If a major paper like the Sun Times is accepting photos from reporters on the scene with smartphones, then it stands to reason that “amateur” but compelling images from citizens, businesses and organizations have a much better chance of seeing their way into the online pages of major daily newspapers.
  • All businesses and organizations who thought Facebook was a secondary application for media interaction should rethink that position. If a newspaper is going to open the funnel of Facebook to gather comments, think of the power of an organization’s friends and followers to join that conversation and, in some instances, drive the post-publication narrative around the news!

It is imperative to closely follow media trends like these, connect the dots and fully comprehend the  opportunity or challenge they may create for your business.

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