Reduced-Cost Advertising

Part of the “Low-Cost, High-Impact” Smart Marketing Workshop

One way to reduce your marketing cost and a simple one, is to share your advertising.  Take a 60-second radio spot and share it with two other businesses. That gives you 20 seconds each.  Develop a direct-mail piece that advertises two businesses and share mailing lists and the costs of the development and postage.

Find the right partner. The best business partnerships are ones that have similar customers and credibility.

  • Clothing store and shoe store
  • Drywaller and Painter
  • Restaurant and Nightclub
  • Green products and Recycling plant

A great example is Tucson Originals,  A number of Tucson restaurants formed this organization to market their businesses as a group.  Their Web site features all of the businesses in the partnership as well as upcoming events and specials.  By working together they not only get to share advertising costs but also harvest the power of a larger customer base.

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