Convince the Skeptics with 20 Unbelievable Social Media Stats

Have you ever discussed social media with a friend or potential customer and received a skeptical response? Many of us have. Perhaps you are the doubtful one. However you feel (or don’t feel) about social media, there is no arguing that our society has officially plunged into it head first. Social networking sites have become primary online marketing tools, communication outlets, and customer service vehicles. Instead of talking about the influence that social media can have, allow the numbers to speak for themselves. If you have ever doubted the power of social media, here are twenty unbelievable statistics that may make you rethink these qualms, and convince you to get more involved in one of the most influential resources of this generation.

General social statistics:

1. Two out of three Internet users on the planet visit social networks.
2. 66.8% of Internet users have used social networks. 65.1% have used email.
3. More than 50% of the world’s population is under 30 years old. 96% of Millennials have joined a social network.
4. 25% of search results for the world’s top 20 brands are links to user-generated content.
5. 93% of social media users believe an organization should use social media.
6. 85% of social media users believe that an organization should also interact with its customers or community.

Important statistics to know about Facebook:

7. The Facebook population has more than 700 million active users. 50% log into the site every day.
8. If Facebook were a country, it would be the world’s third largest between India and the United States (U.S. population = 311 million).
9. More than 30 billion pieces of content are shared monthly.
10. There are more than 395,000 people on Facebook today who live in the Tucson-area and are 18 or older.

Important statistics to know about LinkedIn:

11. LinkedIn has 101 million+ registered users.
12. 80% of users have an undergraduate degree; 33% have a graduate degree.
13. The largest user age demographic is between 35-54 years old.
14. 80% of Fortune 100 companies use social networks in their job assessment; 95% of those use LinkedIn.
15. Users with personal incomes between $200K-$350K are seven times more likely than others to have over 150 connections.

Important statistics to know about Twitter:

16. Twitter is the most popular micro-blogging service: 110 million tweets are issued every day.
17.  Twitter has more than 370,000 new users per day. It has 200 million registered users today.
18. Twitter’s search engine receives around 700 million queries per day.
19. Twitter is aging in reverse: the platform gained popularity with users aged 35-54 first, then 18-24, and now the 12-17  age segment is the fastest growing.
20. 67% of brand followers will purchase that brand.

If these statistics alone don’t convince you, take a moment to watch this video on the increasing power of social media: Social Media Revolution 2 (by Socialnomics).

Additionally, if you are interested in exploring social media services, we are happy to provide a consultation or schedule a Caliber Social Media Boot Camp for you and your organization. Contact us at (520) 795-4500.

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